TW-DAY Translation Services offers high quality, accurate text translations at a price that will make you understand why our repeat customers say, “WOW!” We do this through a streamlined workflow that specializes in translation of English to and from the major Asian languages: Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
Our prices are 30% to 50% lower than competing services. If you find a better quote, we will BEAT it! THIS is our LOW PRICE GUARANTEE!
Click here to find out more about our Competitive Advantages!
- Fill out our online “Quote Request Form”.
- Upload your entire document, or a selected portion.
- Receive a quote and/or reply from us within 12 to 24 hours.
- Authorize translations, submit payment.
- Work will be edited and returned to you within 2 to 3 working days.*
*Dependent on the size and technical level of the document.
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This may sound absurd, but on the packaging of an Asian manufactured yogurt product for Western distribution erroneously wrote, “with live fungus” rather than the intended “active cultures”. This and other shoddy computer translation mistakes might make for good humor, but will ruin any confidence consumers have in the product!